
Produce potentials of the Green Light District

This report investigates the PRODUCE potentials in the Green Light District project, focusing on collective sources for block heating systems, and communal renewable energy generation in the historic centre of Amsterdam. It accompanies the REDUCE and REUSE reports which respectively describe demand reduction / savings options and potentials for exchanging, cascading and storage within this area.

Although locally some potentials are clearly more promising than others, when making system choices, all of these should be considered in the larger picture of the city and metropolitan region of Amsterdam, for example because of the need for seasonal storage to fully utilise a potential, possible interference with existing and future neighbouring systems (in case of geothermal projects), or increased electricity requirements in the demand season (related to heat pumps) which need to be catered for.

These should not be considered limitations however, but rather preconditions that facilitate the shaping of energy systems that supply as many citizens and companies as possible.

Source: Fremouw M. & Dobbelsteen A. van den; PRODUCE - WP1 – D1.2 RESEARCH REPORT (T1.4); TU Delft/Climate KIC, 2021.

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Icon afbeelding: Flickr - Amsterdam

