Assessing the suitability of constructed wetlands to treat surface water runoff from informal settlements in South Africa
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Clean water and ecosystem restoration
Polluted runoff from densely populated and poorly serviced informal settlements is a persistent issue in South Africa resulting in environmental degradation and health risks. The treatment and potential reuse of surface water runoff from informal
- - 3- settlements is challenging due to the elevated nutrient (NH3, NO2 , NO3 and PO4 )
concentrations and other contaminants. More than 4 million people currently live in informal settlements in South Africa and this number is expected to grow which will result in further catchment degradation.
Source: Maraj, K. 2021. Assessing the suitability of constructed wetlands to treat surface water runoff from informal settlements in South Africa. Clean water and ecosystem restoration (nature-based solutions category). Future Water Institute, University of Cape Town.
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Icon afbeelding: Flickr - South Africa