Collectie (2)

Green IT Amsterdam

Green IT Amsterdam makes the energy transition possible with IT for the Amsterdam region. Our mission is to scout, test and showcase innovative IT solutions for increasing energy efficiency and decreasing carbon emissions. As our society is constantly relying more and more on IT, urgency for sustainability keeps increasing. Moreover, IT can play a key role in making the change from fossil energy into renewable energy, the energy of the future and for the future.

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We share knowledge, expertise and ambitions, for achieving these sustainable targets with our public and private Green IT Leaders. We do this by greening IT and IT support in optimizing various sectors of the Green Economy in the Amsterdam region.

The City of Amsterdam is aiming to reduce carbon emission in 2025 by 40%. In addition, the City increased their target for producing renewable energy by 20%. Green IT emerged from the need to bring IT specialists and energy specialists together to achieve these goals. With Greening of IT we prepare for the continued growing demand for IT in the future by minimizing its energy costs. And with Greening by IT we make it possible to achieve current societal challenges by providing Smart City services that support future-ready, stable and scalable infrastructures.

The network now consists of around 28 leading organizations on sustainable IT infrastructures in various sectors including IT, engineering and energy. This network is complemented by establishing active alliances with other key partners from:

  1. Regional public organizations for the facilitation of local implementation processes
  2. National and international organizations for ensuring a level playing field
  3. Networking organizations with expertise in specific application areas

Until now, this active cooperation has enabled the development of 18 projects that resulted in:

  1. Demonstrating that the Amsterdam IT sector is a front runner on realizing sustainable IT infrastructures
  2. Reinforcing the economic capacity of the Amsterdam industry
  3. Initiating activities to create a more sustainable society

-> Joining the Green IT Amsterdam network is possible, go here.

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