Witnessing You & being-here.net
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How are trust and truth established in a networked world? What actually happens when one is witness to another? On this study-site 44 authors contribute reflections and experience on how a world full of media changes our lives. This research took place between 2008 - 2012.
Artists, academics and professionals from a variety of disciplines, address these issues by reflecting on their own practice. To be able to enjoy this research environment, one needs to take time.
See http://www.being-here.net/
This site publishes reflections form scientist, artists, professionals and students about their work. Scientists reflect on their research, professionals reflect on their practice, artists reflect on their artwork, students present their designs. Apart form the authors, many people have contributed to this website.
Principle investigator: Caroline Nevejan
On the 23rd of January 2013, the book Witnessing You, On Trust and Truth in a Networked World, was launched.
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Icon afbeelding: Witnessing You