
Ideal(s) City: The impact assessment of a Donut Deal in Zuidoost

At the moment, the Groene Hub works on eight Donut Deals. Initially, we decided to focus on one Deal to keep the development of an assessment method as concise and simple as possible. We decided to investigate their biodigester project. In this project organic and food waste is collected from the Gaasperdam area and is used to produce biogas in a digester in the garden of the Groene Hub. The project focuses on the ecological issue of green energy, and reuse of waste at the one hand, and on social issues of involving the neighbourhood (via local bin managers) and providing jobs for the community.

By means of three subsequent working sessions we worked towards a first version of an assessment method. We defined what are relevant themes and subthemes for Gaasperdam, and what indicators appeared useful. In two additional mee8ngs, we respectively prepared a meeting with the municipality and held this mee8ng. The results of these meetings are also included as they appeared to be insightful for developing a social assessment method. In the following Chapter the main results of the five sessions are described. In addition, we draw up a first version of a social value assessment framework. In the final, concluding Chapter we provide an overview of the lessons we learned and we provide a draft proposal for additional research.


Lieke Dreijerink, AMS Institute
Ilonka de Beer, Energie Samen
Hania Tahboub, de Groene Hub
Line Kvartborg Vestergraad, gemeente Amsterdam University of Kopenhagen
Menno Houtstra, De Kaskantine
Nies Medema, Jonge Sla

