
Powerful and Vulnerable - Academic Freedom in Practice

Research report, recommendations and consideration in response to a whistleblower report to the University of Amsterdam

A university should be a place where innovative and controversial questions are asked, studied, answered and taught. In Amsterdam since 1632. To be such a place, freedom of thought, speech, debate and publication is crucial. The university thrives on debate; academic freedom – powerful and vulnerable at the same time – is her oxygen.

In addition to the executive, legislative and judicial powers, and together with the free press, universities should also be a reliable pillar underpinning a democratic society and a well-functioning constitutional state.

And as a community, the university should be an example to society and the world. An example of how people treat each other when they disagree. Another example of how differences of opinion can be made productive.

Within the university, the ideal of diversity & inclusion is as powerful and vulnerable as the ideal of academic freedom. In the course of its work, the committee has become convinced that academic freedom and diversity & inclusion are not opposed to each other, but that they desperately need each other. In addition to all dimensions of diversity such as gender, skin colour, age, sexual orientation, and experiences and perceptions, diversity of political views and scientific perspectives is also an essential part of inclusive diversity at the university.

Authors: Janka Stoker, Carel Stolker & Berteke Waaldijk
Source: website UvA.


Several articles have appeared in the (national) media surrounding the issue investigated by the Stolker Committee. To provide context for this report, links to these articles are provided below. Unfortunately, not all articles are freely accessible, some can only be read by subscribers of the relevant magazine.

Woke cultuur bedreigt de academische vrijheid bij sociale wetenschappen - by Laurens Buijs in the Folia (University magazine van de Universiteit van Amsterdam) on 18 januari 2023.

Verwijten aan het adres van non-binairen hoorden homoseksuelen vroeger ook - by Jan Willem Duyvendak in NRC on 1 maart 2023.

Een spook zonder vaste vorm; academische vrijheid in tijden van 'woke'- by Sarah Bracke in the Groene Amsterdammer on 1 maart 2023.

Discussie over het begrip 'genderneutraal' moet nog op gang komen - by Jan Bergstra in the Folia on 4 juli 2023.

Image credits

Header image: Banner groen

Icon image: Krachtig en kwetsbaar - commissie Stolker

