By L.A. Verhoef , M. Bossert, J. Newman, F. Ferraz, Z.P. Robinson, Y. Agarwala and P. Wolff III

This text describes a living, shared framework and methodology, the ‘Campus as Living Lab’ learning system, created through global participatory workshops and Living Lab literature, aimed at supporting universities and their Sustainability (Coordinating) Offices in the development and monitoring of Living Lab projects. The framework includes seven categories of supportive data collection and three levels of details to meet different requirements of potential users. The Living Lab framework presented in this chapter, aims to create value and help universities maximise the benefit of Living Lab projects within an institution, support monitoring, reflection and learning from projects, and facilitate communication with stakeholders, and the sharing of practices and learning between peers across the globe. As a living shared, framework and learning system, the framework will adapt and develop over time and within different contexts. To provide feedback and fast (practical) learning from users, the system will be further developed to facilitate transparent peer reviewing.

This is a chapter in the book: "Universities as Living Labs for Sustainable Development: Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals", (Springer, ed. Leal, W. et al., 2018).

For reference:

Verhoef, L.A., Bossert, M., Newman, J. Ferraz, F., Robinson, Z.P., Agarwala, Y. Wolff III, P., Jiranek, P., Hellinga, C., (2020) Towards a Learning System for University Campuses as Living Labs for Sustainability. In: Leal Filho W. et al. (eds) Universities as Living Labs for Sustainable Development. World Sustainability Series. Springer, Cham. 
