Collection (16)

Circular Toolbox

This toolbox for the Built Environment is the starting point if you want to get started with circular construction.

Here you will find articles, examples and reference work on circular themes in construction, such as timber construction, renovation, material passports and revenue models. The information is periodically updated, so that our level of knowledge increases with the transition to the new circular building standard.

More information

⚠️ Attention! ⚠️

The aim of the circular toolbox is initially to involve colleagues from the City of Amsterdam in the story on circular construction. It is a work in progress and we would like to refine, supplement and adapt it to make it as easy, navigable and workable as possible. 


For questions, ideas and constructive feedback, please contact: 

Desirée Bernhardt

Senior policy advisor circular economy (R&D) 


Image credits

Header image: Banner circulaire economie

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