Collection (2)

7. Biobased renovation

Renovation of existing buildings is often primarily about improving the quality of the indoor climate and the energy performance of the building. When we renovate without taking into account the embedded CO2 impact of the materials used, it is trying to empty the ocean with a thimble. We save energy and emissions in the user phase, but we emit an unnecessary amount of greenhouse gases for the building materials and products used in the renovation. In exchange for better energy performance, the new problems in terms of resource consumption and climate change are causing. The energy transition and the embedded environmental impact of building materials cannot therefore be viewed separated from each other.

More information


In this collection: 

  1. A summary on biobased renovation (2021)
  2. Good examples from the municipality and other parties
  3. A library with more information and reports


For questions, ideas and constructive feedback, please contact:

Desirée Bernhardt

Senior policy advisor circular economy (R&D)



Image credits

Header image: Banner circulaire economie

Icon image: 07 biobase renoveren.jpg

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