Collection (2)

6. Timber construction

To reduce the impact of the built environment, it is important to build more sustainably. In addition to energy-efficient or energy-neutral construction, building with sustainable, biobased materials such as wood is an important strategy. In new construction, a lot of environmental impact can be saved by building with wood. This is in contrast to the commonly used building materials steel and concrete, where a high environmental impact is generated during the production process. In addition, wood acts as a CO2 storage system, because wood absorbs CO2 from the air when it growths into a tree.

More information


In this collection: 

  1. A summary on timber construction (2021)
  2. Good examples from the municipality and other parties
  3. A library with more information and reports


For questions, ideas and constructive feedback, please contact:

Desirée Bernhardt

Senior policy advisor circular economy (R&D)



Image credits

Header image: Banner circulaire economie

Icon image: 06 Houtbouw .jpg

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