Collection (2)

5. Circular revenue models

Circular revenue models are a way to shape extended producer responsibility - extending the responsibility of producers for the products. Currently, eight circular revenue models can be distinguished. These revenue models give producers a financial incentive to design circularly, to increase the quality of their products and possibly to take them back at the end of their lifespan. However, a circular revenue model does not yet make a circular product: construction products will also have to change on a technical level.

More information


In this collection: 

  1. A summary on circular revenue models (2021)
  2. Good examples from the municipality and other parties
  3. A library with more information and reports


For questions, ideas and constructive feedback, please contact:

Desirée Bernhardt

Senior policy advisor circular economy (R&D)



Image credits

Header image: Banner circulaire economie

Icon image: 05 Circulaire verdienmodellen in de bouw.jpg

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