Collection (2)

2. Environmental impact of building materials

Lowering the environmental impact of building materials and processes is an important part of circular construction. This applies to both public space (GWW) and the built environment (B&U). The Environmental Cost Indicator (MKI) is the instrument to express this environmental impact within civil engineering; the Environmental Performance Building (MPG) does this for a building.

More information


In this collection: 

  1. A Summary on the environmental impact of building materials (2021)
  2. Good examples from the municipality and other parties
  3. A library with more information and reports


For questions, ideas and constructive feedback, please contact:

Desirée Bernhardt

Senior policy advisor circular economy (R&D)



Image credits

Header image: Banner circulaire economie

Icon image: 02 Milieu-impact bouwmaterialen.jpg

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