

Community Data-Loops for energy-efficient urban lifestyles

Platform ter ondersteuning van gedragsaanpassingen, waaronder mobiliteitsgedrag.

There is tremendous urgency for reducing cities’ energy footprint through behavioral change. However, we hardly know how to enable individuals to learn how to behave energy responsibly in their daily lives. This project combines information, cognitive and social sciences into a real-life experiment in urban neighborhoods. It will provide: a) a deeper understanding of learning and behavioral change to reduce energy consumption in an urban setting; b) a tested prototype of an interactive
web-based platform for sharing data about individual and community energy consumption choices; c) a tailored set of policy and market recommendations for the wider application of this platform.


CODALoop Amsterdam is active in 2 neighbourhoods. Indische Buurt in Amsterdam East and Buiksloterham in Amsterdam North.


Partners: University of Amsterdam (AISSR), Yildiz Technical University, Graz University of Technology, Delft University of Technology, PlusOneMinusOne, Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL), Amsterdam Economic Board/Amsterdam Smart City, Nudge, District Municipality of Kadikoy, Yurtici Kargo, Energie Steiermark AG, StadtLABOR, City of Graz/Stadtbaudirektion, HORN Consult

Contact: Prof ir Luca Bertolini, University of Amsterdam

De gemeente participeert in dit onderzoek.

JPI Urban Europe Eranet. Loopt tot 2019. Bron en meer informatie:

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Icon afbeelding: Urban-Environmental-Resilience-transparent.png