
Sanne de Wit

Universiteit van Amsterdam, Psychologie

Sanne de Wit graduated from the University of Nijmegen in 2002, and then received a scholarship to obtain her PhD degree at the Dept. of Experimental Psychology of the University of Cambridge. Her PhD project was supervised by Prof. Anthony Dickinson and concerned the associative and neural mechanisms mediating goal-directed action, habits, and response conflict resolution. She then moved on to a postdoc position at the Dept. of Psychiatry (2006-2008) to collaborate with Prof. Paul Fletcher on the translation of animal models to human psychology and neuroimaging. Since 2008 she works at the University of Amsterdam and has extended her research to include the study of impulsive and compulsive behaviour; first as a postdoc in the lab of Prof. Richard Ridderinkhof at the Dept. of Developmental Psychlogy, and presently as an Associate Professor at the Dept. of Clinical Psychology. In 2014, she obtained a 5-year personal (VIDI) grant to investigate the effect of cognitive planning on habit formation ('Implementation intentions: can the brain strategically generate instant habits?').

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