
Eduardo Zabala


Eduardo Zabala, PhD in Electronics Engineering since 1994 by the Engineering School of the University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, received his MSc degree in Energy Engineering in 1984.
He has been working with TECNALIA-LABEIN since 1994, as a consultant for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) design and research during the first stage, and then in fields related to Microgrids, Electric Vehicle integration in the Smart Grid, and Energy efficiency.
He has participated in many R&D projects on EMC, Electronics and the Power System, coordinating COTEVOS, DGFACTS, PREMI and CHESTER.
Previously he had worked during 10 years in different SME companies, in the field of design, commercialisation and management of electronic products.
He is also a lecturer in the Engineering School (Basque Country University) of Bilbao since 1988, in the fields of Electronics, Reliability and Electromagnetic Compatibility.