Collectie (4)

Knowledge Base: Citizen Participation for Human Centered AI

Methods, guidelines, and use cases for citizen participation on Artificial Intelligence in Amsterdam

The purpose of this knowledge base is to gather and provide guidance, tools, and examples for organizing citizen participation on AI in Amsterdam.   This is a step towards institutionalizing best practices into an infrastructure for meaningful citizen involvement in the design, adoption, and use of artificial intelligence by the municipality. Part of this is ensuring that learnings from teams across the municipality who have included citizen participation in their AI project do not remain in a silo, but rather that their knowledge can be shared and built upon throughout the municipality.  In that sense, this knowledge base also aims to be a tool for transparency, both internally and with the public, on how the municipality has taken steps to make its use of AI more human-centered by working together with citizens.

Meer informatie

Who is it for?

The target audience is any civil servant who is looking to design or use AI in a way that impacts citizens, or anyone who is seeking to learn how the municipality of Amsterdam approaches involving citizens in its various AI initiatives.

What can you find here?

In this knowledge base you can find the following sub-collections:

  1. Participation methods
    • Overview of different methods and how they can be used to generate citizen knowledge on AI.  This collection can help you choose a method or combination of methods that work for your project
  2.  Use cases
    • Examples of how civil servants within the municipality of Amsterdam have involved citizens in their AI projects.  
  3. Guidelines
    • Here you can find articles on key issues such as inclusivity and communicating about AI in understandable language.  These are in line with the official participation guidelines put in place by the municipality of Amsterdam

You will also find a bibliography of resources such as reports and academic papers related to this topic

How can you contribute?

Do you have knowledge you would like to share related to citizen participation and AI?  Whether ir is a use case, an interesting participation method, or a great external resource, it can help make this knowledge base more rich for the municipality and even for the public.  Don't hesitate to reach out to with contributions or suggestions.

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