
Housing First - Research on model fidelity and effects

Research by Trimbos-instituut

On behalf of Housing First Netherlands, the Trimbos Institute investigated how Housing First is applied in the Netherlands. Together with 15 Housing First practices, the effects for participants, stakeholder experience and participant satisfaction were examined. The extent to which practices apply the model as intended was also mapped out and the relationship between model fidelity and outcomes for participants was examined.

The aim of the research is to gain insight into:
• Identify the effects of Housing First and the degree of model fidelity
• How Housing First is designed in the Netherlands/model loyalty per team.
• Outcomes at client level and at stakeholder level
• The relationship between model fidelity and outcomes

Cover Housing First onderzoek modelgetrouwheid en effecten | Trimbos-instituut

Read the research report (Dutch): Housing First onderzoek modelgetrouwheid en effecten - Trimbos-instituut

The Trimbos Institute is an independent, scientific knowledge institute for mental health, alcohol, tobacco and drugs. We conduct research, disseminate and implement our knowledge so that people can work on their own mental health and contribute to that of others. Read more via: Over ons - Trimbos-instituut

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Icon image: Cover Housing First onderzoek modelgetrouwheid en effecten | Trimbos-instituut