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Housing First Netherlands

Housing First is a successful approach to combating homelessness that originated in America. The right to a home is central, based on the proven belief that people can best start their lives in the peace and quiet of their own home.

Housing First breaks radically with the idea that you first have to earn a place to live. Since 2006, Housing First has been applied in the Netherlands for the rehousing of homeless people. Read more under the 'More information' button.

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1. Housing is a human right

Housing First emphasizes the right to housing. According to HousingFirst, homeless people do not have to prove that they are ready for independent housing or to 'earn' it by going through steps. Everyone gets direct access to a permanent place to live, with their own rental contract, in a normal street. A real home, where you are safe and have housing security. It also means preventing people from losing their homes. Eviction should never lead to homelessness, but should lead to appropriate rehousing elsewhere.

2. Choice and control for participants

People who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless are full citizens with rights and obligations. They must be enabled to autonomously participate in discussions and participate in decisions that affect them. Housing First recognizes and respects that people decide for themselves how they want to live and what support they want.

3. Separation of housing and care

(access to) housing is unconditional and separate from care and treatment. No requirements are imposed that do not apply to other citizens, such as stopping substance use, undergoing treatment or guardianship. The only requirement is that the rental agreement must be complied with.

4. Recovery Support

Housing First sees recovery as the process of people being able to live, work, learn and participate in society in their own way (again). The recovery process is unique and personal. This requires support that does not try to control, but that helps to improve life. Experts by experience play a crucial role in shaping support in a way that is based on principles of recovery, equality and emancipation and are of great value in the recovery process because they act as living proof that development and recovery are possible.

5. Harm reduction

Harm reduction focuses on limiting negative health, social and economic effects of substance use, without necessarily reducing the use itself. Step by step, at one's own pace - working towards self-set goals. So that the negative effects of substance use, but also of untreated psychiatric symptoms, are reduced.

6. Active involvement without coercion

Housing First is a relational approach that shifts the focus to hope and trust. The focus is on what is possible, where to go and how to achieve something new together. Taking risks is part of this, as they actually provide an opportunity for growth. There is a warm, positive approach with clarity about agreements and responsibilities, so that people are encouraged to accept help that would benefit them.

7. Person-oriented guidance

Person-oriented guidance is about organizing support around an individual, adapted to his or her needs and offering what is needed to live successfully independently. The basic principle is that the support constantly adapts to the person and does not expect the person to adapt to the offer. And the person himself is central to every decision that affects his or her life. People decide for themselves what support they want to receive; from whom and when. The support focuses on feeling at home in the neighborhood, feeling meaningful and being able to be part of something.

8. Flexible support for as long as necessary

With a home it only begins. Housing First assumes that support will be provided for as long and as much as is necessary. It is important to be able to respond adequately on a daily basis if more or less help is needed. And to be available 24/7 and accessible. To be able to live independently successfully, support may be required for a longer period of time. This does not mean that there is a constant need for intensive support. Providing the confidence that you can always go somewhere when necessary helps ensure recovery, social inclusion and stable housing and thus a sustainable effect of the intervention. Source: The principles of Housing First | Housing First Netherlands

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Image credits

Header image: Housing First Nederland - Logo. Bron:

Icon image: Housing First Nederland - Logo. Bron:

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