
Inaugural lecture: 'The great (un)equalizer - Education in an unequal society'

by Prof. dr. Louise Elffers

On December 14, Prof. Dr. Louse Elffers, Lecturer in Promising School Careers in a Diverse City, her inaugural lecture 'The great (in)equalizer - Education in an unequal society'. Equality of opportunity in education seems to be a widely shared ideal that has been receiving a lot of attention again in recent years. However, this widely shared ideal appears to hide divergent and sometimes even contradictory views. In her inaugural lecture, Louise Elffers considers the question of what we actually strive for if we want to realize equality of opportunity in education, and what demands this places on our education. Her inaugural lecture can be followed online via the livestream (see the link below).

In an unequal society, education is usually seen as 'the great equalizer'. At school, all children have the opportunity to develop certain knowledge and skills and to discover and develop their talents, so that their development does not depend solely on what they happen to receive from home. Elffers shows that education also functions as a 'major unequalizer'. Diplomas play a determining role in the distribution of income, status and power in our society, while the chances of different groups in our society to obtain those diplomas are far from equal.

Elffers discusses why it seems so difficult to change this. Do we not understand the problem properly, do we not have enough solutions, or is there perhaps (also) something else going on? She focuses in particular on the role of those who hold a favorable position within the current system. If we really want change, we will have to bare our butts at university. What role do we actually play in a diploma capitalist society? And should we continue to produce this sought-after diploma capital on such a massive scale?

Follow the oration via the livestream: webcolleges.uva.

Elffers is also Head of the Kenniscentrum Ongelijkheid, an initiative from the City of Amsterdam and four knowledge institutes of the city UvA, VU, HvA and Inholland.

Image credits

Header image: Klas - School - Kinderen | Kelly Eliason via Unsplash

Icon image: Klas - School - Kinderen | Kelly Eliason via Unsplash