
Street Experiments - Tool & Guide

Street experiments are a growing phenomenon around the world and can help us with all kinds of small-scale, and yet far-reaching spatial problems. Not a single street (and its surrounding context) is ever the same,
making every street experiment one-of-a-kind.

This tool takes you through every element of a street experiment. First of all, you need to identify the main challenge your street faces. What is the most pressing issue that stands in the way of your street becoming a “street for people” instead of a “street for traffic”?

Streets bring together a complex range of people, activities, and mobility uses, making it difficult - or even impossible - to pinpoint an isolated issue that single handedly dictates the streetscape. Nonetheless, it’s important to start pinpointing one or multiple key challenges.

Bron: Street Experiments Tool. (2022). SET Guidelines Kit.

About SET
SET (Street Experiments Tool) aims to inspire, inform and share knowledge on street experiments as cities across the globe witness an increased need for innovative, more diverse, and inclusive use of our streets as public spaces. 
SET Guidelines Kit is a collaboration between
Technical University of Munich  
Ana Rivas
Julia Kinigadner
University of Amsterdam
Luca Bertolini
Teus Hagen
Aroosha Zahid
Ghent University
Lennert Verhulst

Additional info

Image credits

Header image: Cover SET - Tool - Guidelines.jpg

