Urban street experiments
What are street experiments and can they transform our cities?
Street experiments in the city are a growing phenomenon all over the world. They can help with small, but also large spatial problems that the city has. What is a street experiment and how can you approach it?
Prof. Dr. Ir. Luca Bertolini (UvA) describes a street experiment as an "intentional and temporary change in street use, regulation and/or way to explore a systematic change in urban mobility" (see article 'From "streets for traffic" to "streets for people"').
In this collection you will find a toolkit (guide) for conducting street experiments. Learn more about the transformative power of street experimentation and a handbook for believing it. Finally, there are a number of examples of street experiments that have been carried out in Amsterdam.
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Icon image: Bram Naus | Unsplash | Reclamebord | Rokin