Multi-actor policy development game for spatial development in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region

MRA Game Play the City

purpose: Updating policy agreements of Metropoolregio Amsterdam -MRA from 2007

partner: Gemeente Amsterdam

client: MRA

engagement: 15-20 + expert panel

project duration: September-October 2018

Ambitions set by MRA are high: by 2040 the region becomes a global business hub, EU’s second smart city and fourth largest harbor residing 2,4 million citizens with 1,4 million jobs! Metropoolregio Amsterdam -MRA is a multiplayer development strategy game that helps players concretize ambitions yet abstract goals concerning the development of the MRA.. Teams representing subregions of MRA envision regional developments until 2040. What are the leading strategic plans that will pave the way to region’s ambitious goals? In the game, teams prioritize most effective interventions serving subregions interests. These plans are based on former agreements done by 33 cities dating 2007. Players are free to introduce brand new strategic plans. As projects compete, players seek partners with shared interests to keep their interventions on board. An experts’ panel react to bring in actual knowledge. Teams can react to this new input and there is a final chance to fine-tune strategies before public voting.

MRA Game


Participating subregions are Schaalsprong Almere, Kernstad Amsterdam, Schaalsprong Haarlemmermeer/Bollenstreek, Noordzeekanaalgebied, Noordflank metropool.

Article retrieved from PlaytheCity

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