
The Dutch Taverne Amendment

About the right to republish your academic joural article

Since 2015, anyone who wants to make research results accessible can use the Taverne Amendment: an amendment to the Dutch Copyright Act that allows researchers to share short scientific works such as journal articles and book chapters via (scientific) databases, regardless of the rules of publishers.

In 2019, a national pilot took place in the Netherlands entitled 'You Share, We Take Care!'. It tested how this amendment could be interpreted in practice and used as a policy instrument for institutions to archive research and also make it accessible via that route. This study describes the results and makes recommendations for further steps in the future, including at an international level.

Source: Sondervan, J., Schalken, A., Jan de Boer, & Saskia Woutersen-Windhouwer. (2021). Sharing published short academic works in institutional repositories after six months: The implementation of the article 25fa (Taverne Amendment) in the Dutch Copyright Act. LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries31(1), 1–17.

Image credits

Header image: Florian Klauer | Unsplash | Typmachine - Publishing

Icon image: Florian Klauer | Unsplash | Typmachine - Publishing

