
Tips voor het betrekken van stakeholders bij Schools as Living Labs projecten

Within the Schools As Living Lab-project (SALL), the SALL consortium, together with schools and other societal actors, is investigating the possibilities of introducing and implementing the concept of the Living Lab method in the school context. This SALL methodology will be the result of a co construction process that started at the consortium Workshop in January 2021 and will be nourished by the experience and feedback of National coordinators, teachers and other actors that agree to participate in this collective experiment. So the SALL methodology is a work in progress, the first bases are described in the Pitch document for National Coordinators (NCs). Based on the experiences of the pilot schools in the next months, the methodology will be further developed in a second Workshop, planned for June 2021.

One of the characteristics of Living Labs is that multiple stakeholders work together on a common real issue. Stakeholder engagement is an important topic in the Living Lab method, therefore it will be addressed extensively in the SALL methodology. The current document, the Stakeholder Engagement Methodology (SEM), already makes a start on this. It is a roadmap that offers suggestions for schools and NCs how to identify stakeholders, how to approach stakeholders, and how to create a sustainable connection with stakeholders. It also raises questions that schools and NCs can address when embarking on stakeholder engagement.

Auteur: NEMO Science Museum

Image credits

Header image: Schools as Living Labs Methodology banner

Icon image: Schools as Living Labs with stakeholders - NEMO Science Museum

