
The Routes of Post-Pandemic Gentrification in Amsterdam and Lima (Seed Grant)

Mirtha Lorena del Castillo Durand (Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation, UvA)

This project sheds light on the ways in which patterns of accumulation of housing and/or urban space are being reoriented in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. By comparing Lima and Amsterdam, we ask where and how a new round of post-crisis urban restructuring is taking place to get a better grasp of what we may call “post-pandemic gentrification”. We look to answer the following questions:

  • What investment strategies are real-estate markets developing to overcome the post-pandemic crisis?
  • What narratives are used to drive the post-pandemic housing accumulation?

The Seed Grant supports the organization of a workshop with experts on European and Latin American Cities (Most notably Amsterdam and Lima), and tand the presentation of the results of the project at the “IASC 2021 Urban Commons conference”.