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World Waternet

World Waternet is a non-profit organisation, dedicated to improving sustainable access to clean, sufficient and safe water for all. World Waternet supports public water organisations through peer-to-peer knowledge exchange in water cycle management. We do this through long-term Water Operators’ Partnerships with water organisations in more than 15 countries to strengthen capacity, improve performance and enable them to provide a better service to more people.

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What we do

World Waternet supports public water organisations through peer-to-peer knowledge exchange in water cycle management. We do this through long-term Water Operators’ Partnerships with water organisations in more than 15 countries in Africa, Asia and South America to strengthen capacity, improve performance and enable them to provide a better service to more people
In addition, we exchange knowledge with leading water organisations in our Knowledge Partnerships. We aim to intensify exchange and collaboration on topics related to Waternet's six (6) Research & Innovation topics; climate adaptation, energy transition, water quality & technology, circular economy, soil subsidence, and data & sensoring. This allows us to tackle the same challenges together. 
Read here more about what World Waternet does

Image credits

Header image: WC - water crisis

Icon image: WC - water crisis

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