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Waternet is the only water company in the Netherlands that covers the whole water cycle. We provide a safe, clean and sufficient supply of water. This includes water for nature areas and human consumption. These topics are important for everyone. We operate at the very heart of society.

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Who we are

There is no life without water. Clean water is important for our health and our future. That is why Waternet produces the best tap water. We ensure that wastewater and rainwater flow into the sewer system. Then we treat the wastewater, reclaim usable materials and release the treated water back into nature.

We ensure that the surface water is kept at the right levels. We also ensure that our dykes are up to standard. And we keep the canals clean. We are a unique company: we are the only water company in The Netherlands that manages the whole water cycle.

What we do

Water Authority Amstel, Gooi and Vecht

  • We treat sewage water and wastewater. And return it to nature.
  • We ensure the safety of our dykes.
  • We ensure proper water levels in the polders and nature. And we ensure the water flow is unobstructed.

Municipality of Amsterdam

  • We treat tap water to ensure a clean water supply and we maintain the tap water pipes.
  • We treat sewage water and maintain the sewage system.
  • We ensure that the groundwater in Amsterdam is kept at the right level.
  • We keep the canals clean.
  • We manage many bridges and sluices in Amsterdam.

Source: Who we are & What we do

Image credits

Header image: Logo_Waternet-blauw.png

Icon image: Waternet logo

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