
Collaboration and synergy

Meaning arises through relationships. On, all participating parties have their own research collections on the platform, in which they publish their own research. But knowledge never exists in a vacuum, and the connections that arise on the platform - because different professional domains come into contact with each other - create new forms of meaning. runs on software with a different structure than most knowledge platforms and websites. Instead of the usual hierarchical tree structure, open research is constructed as a semantic web. This means that no distinction is made between different (web) pages: Everything can be connected with each other, independent whether something is an article or a person. In this way of organizing, everything is a thing and that thing gets meaning through its relations with other things.

All types of research and all different types of users can thus be linked together. In concrete terms, this is done by adding keywords to articles. In this way, different types of research are presented side by side by means of the search and network function. Once viewed through different eyes, a more nuanced picture of a particular subject emerges. This is important for our understanding, and provides an ideal breeding ground for further collaboration: at a research or policy level.

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Header image: Wikimedia Commons

Icon image: Wikimedia Commons