Collection (6)

Vision and Background

Openresearch wants to be a valuable tool for everyone in the Amsterdam metropolitan area who is doing research or is looking for information about policy and implementation in Amsterdam. Openresearch is part of a sustainable knowledge infrastructure in Amsterdam, where research and societal developements are investigated and shaped. By sharing knowledge, showing relations and working together we hope to instigate the creativity that is necessary for the complexities of the future.

Openresearch is fascilitated by the municipality of Amsterdam, but the result of the convenant City Deal Kennis Maken, in which Amsterdam universities (of applied sciences), local authorities and further organisations have pledged to collaborate. The editors of openresearch work hard to ensure that the research that is published at openresearch is representative for Amsterdam and its surroundings.

Below, you find the four functions of openresearch explained: collaboration and synergy, disclosure and transparancy, a collective memory, and a toolbox. You will also find collections about the structure and philosophy of openresearch, as well as its history. There are also several video's in which editors tell about the platform.

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Image credits

Header image: Wikimedia Commons

Icon image: Wikimedia Commons

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