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Artikelen over mentale gezondheid

Alle artikelen op openresearch die het keyword 'gezondheid (psychisch)' bevatten.

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475 results
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    Staat van de Stad 2019: Gezondheid

    Deze rapportage, De Staat van de Stad Amsterdam 2019, beschrijft hoe de…

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    Amsterdams uitvoeringsplan Huiselijk Geweld en Kindermishandeling 2017-2019

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    Mental health impact of COVID-19

    Principal Investigator Brenda Penninx (e.a.)

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    De onttovering van thuis

    Waar ‘thuis’ tot de coronacrisis een bejubelde plek was, ontdekken we nu…

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    Highlights from city dialogue on health and urban prepardness with the WHO

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    Onderzoek Welzijn op Recept

    Commissie Zorg, Jeugdzorg en Sport 18 juni 2020

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    Aanpak - Eenzaamheid pak je samen aan

    Commissie Zorg en Sport 13 juli 2017

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    Intergenerational transmission of attentional bias and anxiety

    Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent childhood and adulthood…

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    The Use of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test

    Consumption as an Indicator of Hazardous Alcohol Use among University…

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    Examining the effectiveness of a web-based intervention for symptoms of depression and anxiety in college students

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    Rituals of recognition

    Interactions and interaction rules in sheltered workshops in the…

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    Governance and risk in everyday life

    Depoliticization and citizens’ experiences of cell site deployment in the…

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    De Nederlandse middengroepen als wielrenner

    Doortrappen of achterop raken

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    Goal-Directed and Habitual Control in Smokers

    Harmful behavior such as smoking may reflect a disturbance in the balance…

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    Social Media and Depression Symptoms

    A Network Perspective

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    Failing to pay heed to health warnings in a food-associated environment

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    Aanpak gezond gewicht 2016 / Uitvoeringsplan 2017

    Commissie Zorg & Sport 23 mei 2017

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    Groot draagvlak voor coronamaatregelen onder Amsterdammers

    Sinds half maart gelden in ons land diverse gedragsregels om de…

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    Factsheet: Woningtoewijzingen kwetsbare groepen in de stadsdelen (PHKG), 2016-2018

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    Jeugd en genotmiddelen 2016

    Commissie Zorg & Sport 9 maart 2017

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    Charge your brainzzz 2.0

    Tieners en slaapgedrag

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    Sarphati Amsterdam: onderzoeken

    Totaaloverzicht van alle gezondheidsonderzoeken binnen Sarphati Amsterdam

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    The Efficacy of Local Governance Arrangements in Relation to Homelessness

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    Interprofessional teamwork in decentralized child welfare in The Netherlands

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    Late-life depression symptom dimensions and cognitive functioning

    In the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA)

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    Impact of loneliness and depression on mortality

    Results from the Longitudinal Ageing Study Amsterdam

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    Cohort differences in cognitive aging in the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam

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    Adverse effects of frailty on social functioning in older adults

    Results from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam

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