
Handbook - Water

This chapter describes measures and presents details that focus on water in public space and the accompanying subsurface space, as well as in and on adjacent buildings.

Climate change is causing more and more periods of heavy rainfall and heat waves. Cities must adapt accordingly to avoid major problems with water, subsidence and damage to public space. Amsterdam Rainproof is a good example of a programme that is dedicated to a rainproof city. Solutions for the water problem that this network of organizations proposes have been embraced and elaborated further in these measures.

In terms of typology, the measures focus on water storage (sponge effect), good rainwater defence (prevention of flooding in buildings), better water quality (ecology), reuse of rainwater and diversion of water to areas where it causes no problems. Black water (sewer water) and grey water (lightly polluted waste water) are discussed within the measures related to the themes Soil & Subsoil and Materials.

The choice of measures greatly depends on the hydrogeological situation. In dry areas, for example elevated sandy ground, the focus is on measures to retain water, while in wet areas (low polders with seepage) the emphasis is put on measures that delay water runoff.

English version can be downloaded below.

Table of content:

Whole Area / WA
W-WA1 Greening
W-WA2 Water purification
W-WA3 Integral water management
Network / NE
W-NE1 Water-robust street
W-NE2 Space for through-flow
W-NE3 Pretreatment of water from roads
Public Space / PS
W-PS1 Water-retaining greenery
W-PS2 Underground infiltration networks
W-PS3 Infiltration through hard-surfacing / ground level
W-PS4 Water-retaining container
W-PS5 Gutter
W-PS6 Drought-resistant vegetation
Site / ST
W-ST1 Green wall
Building / BD
W-BD1 Water-retaining roof
W-BD2 Reuse of rainwater
W-BD3 Water-robust building
W-BD4 Disconnected sewer

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Image credits

Header image: Logo Integrale Ontwerpmethode-banner website ORP-01.jpg

Icon image: boek2_banners23.jpg

