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Amsterdam Approach Healthy Weight
In Amsterdam, 1 in 5 children and young people are overweight or obese. This has serious consequences for their health in the short and long term. That is why the municipality is investing heavily in preventing and reducing obesity in children, with a focus on the horizon: all Amsterdam children at a healthy weight by 2033.
In order to grow up healthy, children need the commitment of everyone. Firstly, that of the child and the parents themselves, but also that of professionals in education, care, welfare and neighborhood organizations, sports clubs and companies. With the Amsterdam Healthy Weight Approach, the City of Amsterdam is working with other parties on a healthy weight for Amsterdam's youth.
In the 'Meerjarenplan' you can read more about the 2018-2021 commitment per part of the Amsterdam Healthy Weight Approach.
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Icon image: amsterdamse-aanpak-gezond-gewicht-door-jan-paddenburg-gent-2015-12-10-1-638.jpg