
Roles on

Er zijn verschillende rollen en soorten accounts op redacteuren, deelnemers en betrokkenen. Hieronder worden deze rollen toegelicht.

Three roles for users

Op het platform wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen 3 rollen met daarbij bijbehorende rechten: redacteuren, deelnemers en betrokkenen.

Editors: edit the content of their own collection or several collections on Within their collection they can add new articles, collections, and projects. They can also create accounts for new participants and stakeholders. 

Participants: have access to the layer for all participants in openresearch (the 'red' layer) and can see the work of other researchers in this layer. Participants can also be the authors of one or more articles and/or collections on Civil servants and researchers from knowledge institutions within the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area can get a participant account. Participants can only place material within project / collections / items that they own or co-author. They can only publish on the Internet with the permission of an editor. 

Stakeholders: have access to the 'gray' workspace of the research project in which they are involved, to the 'red' layer of this one research project (and not the rest of the 'red' layer in which the material of all participants can be seen) and to the material published on the Internet. They can create articles and collections within this workspace. They can only publish on the Internet with the permission of an editor. Examples of those involved are companies, residents, and social organisations.



The authors (editors, participants and stakeholders) own their articles and collections. Editors and participants work at knowledge institutes and government organisations and (as authors) own their own collections and articles on the platform. The copyright on the platform for the articles that are public (published on the internet) is regulated by the Creative Commons License: Attribution - Non-commercial - Share alike.

The municipality of Amsterdam is the owner and manager of the infrastructure of the platform and is responsible for the general editing of the platform. The CSO is the product owner for the municipality and responsible for the editorial board and management. is developed in phases under the direction of the municipality - CSO in consultation with Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), Research Information and Statistics (OIS) - in consultation with the parties involved (growth model). The knowledge institutions, the Amsterdam Economic Board and the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area bureau and, if relevant, other relevant parties are involved in the further elaboration (and editing). 


All rights reserved

Image credits

Icon image: rollen pyramide