
The Homeless Union

Support and representation of interests of homeless people

The Homeless Union is for and by Homeless People. Their goal is to represent the interests of homeless people and fringe groups.

According the Home Unions'website, they work as follows.

'We often have experience with not having our own home. That is why we often know better what is needed and where you can go. If you come by or if we find you, support is self-evident to us.

We try to give every person the tailor-made help they need. We have four teams. You will get on the phone with the communications team when you call or email us. They will provide you with the necessary information and advice . Our colleagues in the mailroom sort all the mail and give you yours when you come by to pick up your mail. The intake and evaluation colleagues will support you in obtaining a postal address in the right place with registration in the Municipal Personal Records Database of the Municipality of Amsterdam. You can also contact them with all your questions . Our fieldwork has an outreach approach and will visit you if you feel it is necessary or if we think you could use some support.

Another important task of ours is policy advice on homeless people and fringe groups to the municipality and other authorities. By participating in consultations and speaking out in council meetings, we try to make things better for our target groups.

In the Street Alliance , we work closely with the Street Lawyers Bureau and the Advocacy of Drug Users (MDHG). Since 2024, the Street Alliance has continued as an independent foundation. They ensure that everyone without their own home can receive independent client support . They have been doing this at the Homeless Office since the summer of 2022. People can arrange their own affairs online and receive all kinds of support. For example, you can get help with applying for benefits, permanent residence, or problems with treatment by government agencies. There is also help with objection procedures from the street lawyers.'

Please find their contact details here.

Image credits

Icon image: Twee handen, bronzen kunstwerk, fotobank Amsterdam, fotograaf Edwin van Eis 2009