
Challenges in the Labour Market Integration of Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Dit rapport is nuttige achtergrondinformatie voor de pilot 'Asiel en Werk' vanwege de beschrijving van enkele van de uitdagingen waarmee asielzoekers en vluchtelingen worden geconfronteerd bij de integratie op de arbeidsmarkt in de EU-28, Noorwegen en Turkije. De EU-wetgeving geeft vluchtelingen volledige en asielzoekers enige toegang tot de markt. De richtlijn verplicht de lidstaten ook om integratiesteun te bieden aan vluchtelingen. Echter verschillen de toegangsvoorwaarden en integratieondersteuning voor asielzoekers en vluchtelingen van lidstaat tot lidstaat. Bovendien is de EU-wetgeving inzake asiel is niet van toepassing in Denemarken, Ierland, Noorwegen, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Turkije. Wetgeving kan ook niet alle praktische belemmeringen voorkomen waarmee zowel vluchtelingen als asielzoekers te maken hebben, waaronder administratieve, institutionele, economische, onderwijsgerelateerde en maatschappelijke/culturele uitdagingen.

European Commission
Filip Tanay, Chiara Monti
(Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG, Refugee Task Force
Sophie Kammerer, Monika Kalocinska
(Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG, Unit A.1: Employment and Social Aspects
of European Semester)

EEPO Country Experts
Belgium: Robert Plasman, DULBEA — Université de Bruxelles (University of Brussels),
Bulgaria: Pobeda Loukanova, Economic Research Institute, Sofia
Czech Republic: Daniel Münich, CERGE-EI — Centre for Economic Research & Graduate
Education (Charles University) — Economics Institute (Czech Academy of Sciences),
Denmark: Per Kongshøj Madsen, CARMA — Centre for Labour Market Research, Aalborg
Universitet (Aalborg University), Aalborg
Germany: Nicola Düll, Economix Research & Consulting, Munich
Estonia: Kirsti Nurmela, Praxis Centre for Policy Studies, Tallinn
Ireland: Seamus McGuiness, Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin
Greece: Dimitris Karantinos, EKKE — National Centre of Social Research, Athens
Spain: Elvira González Gago, Research4Consulting, Madrid
France: Sandrine Gineste, Bernard Brunhes Consultants, Paris
Italy: Giuseppe Ciccarone, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (Giacomo Brodolini
Foundation), Rome
Cyprus: Louis N. Christofides, University of Cyprus, Nicosia
Latvia: Alfreds Vanags, BICEPS — Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy
Studies, Riga
Lithuania: Boguslavas Gruževskis and Inga Blaziene, Institute of Labour and Social
Research, Vilnius
Luxembourg: Patrick Thill, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER),
Croatia: Zdenko Babić, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Zagreb
Hungary: Ágota Scharle, Budapest Szakpolitikai Elemző Intézet Kft (Budapest Institute
for Policy Analysis Ltd), Budapest
Malta: Manwel Debono, Centre for Labour Studies, L-Università ta' Malta (University of
Malta), Msida
Netherlands: Marc van der Meer, ReflecT Institute, Universiteit van Tilburg (University
of Tilburg), Tilburg
Austria: Ferdinand Lechner, Lechner, Reiter und Riesenfelder Sozialforschung OG,
Poland: Łukasz Sienkiewicz, Instytut Analiz Rynku Pracy (Institute for Labour Market
Analyses), Warsaw
Portugal: Reinhard Naumann, DINÂMIA — Centro de Estudos sobre a Mudança
Socioeconómica (Research Centre on Socioeconomic Change), Lisbon
Romania: Cătălin Ghinăraru, National Labour Research Institute, Bucharest
Slovenia: Miroljub Ignjatović, Fakulteta za druzbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani (Faculty
of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana), Ljubljana
Slovakia: Luboš Vagač, Centrum pre hospodársky rozvoj (Centre for Economic
Development), Bratislava
Finland: Esa Jokinen, Benefit Studies, Tampere
Sweden: Dominique Anxo, CELMS HB — Centre for European Labour Market Studies HB,
United Kingdom: Kenneth Walsh, TERN — Training & Employment Research Network,
Turkey: Hakan Ercan, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Department of Economics, Middle
East Technical University), Ankara
Norway: Sissel C. Trygstad, Fafo Institutt for arbeidslivs- og velferdsforskning (Fafo
Institute of Labour and Social Research), Oslo

EEPO Network Services
ICF International
30 St Paul's Square
B3 1QZ
Tel. +44 121 233 8900
Fax +44 121 212 0308 E-mail:
Director: Paul Jeffrey
Managers: Anna Manoudi, Caroline Lambert
Editors: Edited by Lucy Arora, Almina Bešić, Jo Hawley-Woodall, Laura Hayward, Anna
Manoudi, Ruth Santos-Brien and David Scott

About the EEPO
This report was produced by the European Employment Policy Observatory (EEPO). The
EEPO is a European network, which publishes regular and independent research on a range
of topics relating to employment and the labour market. For more information and
products, visit the EEPO homepage


Image credits

Header image: Vrijheid_canva.png

