
In conversation or finished talking?

Dissertation by Dr. Christine Elisabeth Bleijenberg

Full title: In conversation or finished talking? About the significance of conversations for the development of local participation processes.

In order to learn from participation processes in practice and, based on this, to contribute to improving them, this research focuses on the conversations between citizens and civil servants and their impact on participation processes. The central focus is on how different perspectives are dealt with in conversations and the meaning that participants attribute to them for the further course of a participation process. The impact of conversations is examined from the perspective of citizens. By examining the expectations and experiences of participating citizens, it emerges how the way in which different perspectives on an issue are dealt with in conversations contributes, in their experience, to finding solutions and support for this.

Author: C.E. Bleijenberg (2021) - Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

Drs. Blijenberg was also a guest in the Public Work Podcast. Listen to 'About the 'how', participating, dropping out and citizen consultations' on Spotify via the link below.

Image credits

Icon image: Praten - Communicatie | Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

