Upscaling climate adaptive smart Blue-green roofs at social housing real estate

Storing, retaining and managing water on roofs is growing as a robust strategy in the challenge of climate adaptation in Amsterdam. With city developers, investors, real estate managers (social housing and commercial), policy makers and innovative technical partners the concept of micro water management on private property is brought to a standard in new developments.

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For the existing real estate the social housing corporations teamed up with a broad consortium in the RESILIO (UIA-funded) project to battle heat, drought and waterlogging stress. Through a public supported Decision Support System the water retention systems (“dynamic sponge”) on the privately owned roofs are managed in a optimal manner. Combining high resolution short and mid-term weather forecasts with all available local water management characteristics to a shared public and private service. The RESILIO-session shares and focuses on participation, academic research results, cost-benefit analysis and the value of a multifunctional roof ambition.

If you able to join our roof top tour we welcome you on the most versatile roof systems available with a grand view on the future!

Click here for more information about RESILIO

Source: AIWW 2021 - RESILIO

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Icon image: RESILIO-Basis-foto.jpg
