
Presentation on city archeology by Ranjith Jayasena

Senior archeologist BMA Amsterdam.

Speech during the meeting "Depth", second event of the Academic Workshop Soil series.

Ranjith Jayasena studied archaeology at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and has been a senior archaeologist at Monuments and Archaeology Bureau of the Municipality of Amsterdam since 2005. In 2019, he received his doctorate from the University of Amsterdam for the thesis ‘Excavation and mud work’. It is an archaeological urban history of Amsterdam and a first synthesis of 65 years of urban archaeology in Amsterdam (trade edition 2020). For his publication Graaf- en modderwerk, please visit here


Part 1


Part 2


credits videos: Ingrid Oosterheerd

Image credits

Header image: Integrale Ontwerpmethode Openbare Ruimte - banner

Icon image: bijeenkomst AWB2 _6
