
Video: BiodiverCITY_A Matter of Vital Soil!

Here and explanatory video on why A rich biodiverse soil should be accommodated in the design of a city.

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Concept: Joyce van den Berg and Hans van der Made, City of Amsterdam

Editorial and research: Ingrid Oosteheerd

Produce by: RefHan Productions

Film footage: EMS FILMS, De Wilde Stad, De Schooltuin, Onder het Maaiveld, RefHan Productions and Wim van Egmond

Additional film footage and images: Jac Diederen, Hessel Bosch, BURA urbanism, OKRA landschapsarchitecten, Joseph Plateau and Weekblad De Brug

Music: among others, EMS FILMS/Jelle Dittmar

Special thanks to: Artis, Inside Outside, NIOO-KNAW, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, World Soild Museum ISRIC 

Image credits

Header image: Integrale Ontwerpmethode Openbare Ruimte - banner

Icon image: BiodiverCITY cover film
