Interview with the Artist: City of Amsterdam
Part of
Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021
One minute interview for the contribution on the theme ABOVE/BELOW, as City Government participating at Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021.
For City of Amsterdam: Joyce van den Berg, Paco Bunnik, Hans van der Made
What is the most crucial element to build the resilient city?
2021 Seoul Biennale participants speak about their work in the biennale and share their thoughts on this year’s theme.
Below the video of City of Amsterdam Department of Planning and Sustainability, with the contribution "Integral Design Method Public Space"for Guest Cities Exhibition.
City of Amsterdam
Van Lennep design bureau
Guest Cities Exhibition curator: Choon Choi
Image credits
Icon image: Integrale Ontwerpmethode Openbare Ruimte - banner