
Citizen scientists and biologists discover two new insect species in the Vondelpark

On an expedition in the Koeienweide organized by Taxon Expeditions

Led by urban ecologist Menno Schilthuizen of Leiden University, a group of citizen scientists and biologists have discovered two new insect species in the Koeienweide (an enclosed part of Amsterdam's Vondelpark): a beetle "Ptomaphagus thebeatles" and a parasitic wasp "Aphaereta Vondelparkensis". This collaboration between Taxon Expeditions (Schilthuizen's company), the VU and the municipality of Amsterdam took place on August 4-8, 2019.

In 2020-2021, more urban expeditions with local residents were organized in green areas: Slatuinen, Keurtuinen, Wilmkebreekpolder, Diemerscheg.

Image credits

Header image: Photo by Hung Tran on Unsplash

Icon image: Vondelpark expeditie 2019 (foto uit Presentatie Menno Schilthuizen)