You are going to do research for a paper or graduation assignment and you need data for this. Where do you start? In this article you will find an overview of the various sources that may be relevant to your research. Whether you are researching ecopassages in the city, traffic information systems, neighborhood facilities or the climate resilience of neighbourhoods, the municipality of Amsterdam has collected this data and made it available. In the form of maps, datasets or dashboards.

This is an interactive map site of the municipality of Amsterdam. This website contains a large number of interactive theme maps and open geo-data from the spatial sector. You can explore the maps on themes such as sustainability, history & architecture or traffic. These geographical datasets are freely available for study and research.

This is the data starting point of the municipality of Amsterdam. This data is collected and processed into information by the Research, Information and Statistics (OIS) department of the municipality. Here you will find data and datasets on countless topics that are relevant to the city. Here you can also read more about the sources of the website and the data policy that the municipality uses.

The department (OIS) collects a lot of statistical information about Amsterdam and also carries out (assignment) research. Different data sources are combined here: from register data to survey data to qualitative conversations. This produces different research results; from student forecasts, to dashboards about tourism or about living and quality of life in Amsterdam.

As of May 2022, the Public Government Act (Wet Openbare Overheid (Woo)) came into effect. This law regulates the right to information about everything the government does. It is the successor to the Government Information (Public Access) Act (Wob). Here you can search for documents that the municipality of Amsterdam has made public. These documents relate to the ideas, plans, rules and agreements of Amsterdam.

A lot of data is also collected at the national level. This is the National Data Portal of the Dutch government. On this portal you will find data (sets) made available by the Dutch government, in the field of healthcare, energy, traffic, economy and much more. You can also read more about the impact of the use of different datasets here.


Waar staat je gemeente

This data platform bundles, processes and presents data for, from and about municipalities and is accessible to everyone. Here you will find figures on all Dutch municipalities in all important policy areas. The 'dashboards' make it easy to compare municipalities.

Image credits

Icon image: Roadmap