In the construction industry, most waste is downcycled into foundations for infrastructure. However, reusing these products in their original state and function could be a major step towards a more circular built environment. Several key concepts are important in this field of research. The Disposition Decision is the moment when the owner of a used product decides what happens to it. The result could be to incinerate the product to recover energy, to Recycle the product’s materials, or to Reuse the product. In order to Reuse a product, a Value Retention Process (VRP) might be necessary. VRPs are aimed at bringing the product back into a usable state. The VRPs considered in this thesis are Direct Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture and Repurpose. The Recycle option is also within the scope of this research. The entire process of retrieving a used product, transporting and applying a VRP or disposing it, is referred to as Reverse Logistics.
Author: Sam van Hooff
Want to know more about this topic?
If you are interested in the reuse of building products, the Circuar Urban Wood project is definitely worth reading about. This project focusses on the implementation of a circular use of wood in the city of Amsterdam.