The CityLoops project brings together seven European cities – Apeldoorn, Bodø, Mikkeli, Porto, Seville, Høje-Taastrup and Roskilde - to pilot a series of demonstration actions to close the loop of two of the most important waste streams in Europe: Construction and Demolition Waste, and Biowaste. Their ultimate aim is to become circular cities in which no resource goes to waste, driving the transition to the circular economy.

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The seven cities involved in CityLoops are structuring their pilots in three phases:

  • inception and preparation phase, including a series of preparatory analysis and stakeholder mapping and participatory planning;
  • demonstration phase, during which the solutions will be implemented and tested, and
  • replication phase, when the CityLoops measures will be upscaled at regional and European level

The solutions and actions go from instruments for predicting future excavated CDW and soil production, to awareness-raising campaigns, circularity decision making support tool, simulation of impacts 3D visualisation tools and procurement guidelines for biowaste products. A total of ten demonstration actions will be implemented, testing over 30 new tools and processes.

The tools developed by Bodø, Høje-Taastrup and Roskilde are to be implemented in demonstration actions aimed at construction and demolition waste, while Portois developing tools to be implemented in demonstration actions within biowaste. Apeldoorn, Mikkeli and Seville are tackling both waste streams with the tools they develop. (More information about these tools and demonstration actions can befound on the respective city pages)

Building Circular Knowledge 

The CityLoops project is also developing a series of tools for circular planning and decision making. The project will carry out an urban circularity assessment developing a consolidated material flow and stock accounting methodology to assess sector- and city-wide material stocks and flows. 

CityLoops is developing Circular City Indicators, a comprehensive indicator set for cities, including guidance on how to measure them. At the end of the project, this will result in an evaluation framework based on a series of circularity and sustainability indicators. The results will be published on this platform soon.

Circular procurement is a key aspect of CityLoops. Circular procurement experts Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) and ICLEI will help each city identify how and which procurement activities could be used to strategically support the actions they undertake to tackle construction and demolition waste (CDW) and biowaste. The project will also produce guidelines for how to include circular procurement in these two sectors.

Source: CityLoops - About


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Icon image: City Loops
