
Green Technologies

Among these Horizon 2020 EU-funded FET projects, the ones under Green Technologies are investigating on technologies of tomorrow for more sustainability. Below you can read more about FutureAgriculture, GOTSolar, HELENIC-REF and LIAR.

FutureAgriculture proposes an efficient metabolic bypass for photorespiration in plants which leads to the loss of CO2 and consequently to reduced growth yield. Using new enzyme based synthetic pathways to bypass photorespiration has the potential to significantly increase the photosynthetic efficiency, supporting higher yields of crop, a pressing need for a continually growing world population.

GOTSolar aims to develop the next generation of solar cells, solid-state perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Transparent and available in various colours PSCs will significantly broaden the traditional solar cell application area.  Perovskite solar cells will be highly efficient, long-lasting and environmentally safe, which would make them a sustainable power source not only from the harvesting but also from the production point of view.

HELENIC-REF aims to the establishment of a new sustainable methodology for the water thermolysis at temperatures below 300°C and the immediate corresponding production of energy or fuels, using water as a source for renewable fuel.

LIAR (Living Architecture) plans to develop a programmable bioreactor able to extract valuable resources from waste water and air and to generate oxygen, proteins and fibre. Its possible installation in domestic, public and office settings will significantly improve the environmental performance of our living spaces with undeniable benefits for health, productivity and ecosystems. 

Read here more about LIAR. 

Source: H2020 FET projects related to Green Technologies. European Commission.

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