
Podcast: We Are Rhythm - Episode 12

To tune or not to tune

This story brings together all stories from previous episodes. It shows how people need rhythm in their lives. It shows that tuning to rhythm is how we live together and how we survive.

The story is written by Caroline Nevejan, the Chief Science Officer (City of Amsterdam) and professor by special appointment at the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research of the University of Amsterdam.

The illustrations for this story are made by Huda AbiFarès. She is the Founding Director of the Khatt Foundation and Khatt Books publishers. She specializes in multilingual typographic research and design, with focus on Arabic typography and design history. She is a designer, writer, researcher, editor and design curator. To view the artwork that was made for this story, please check out this link.

The story in this episode is read by Caroline Nevejan.


Image credits

Header image: Huda AbiFarès

Icon image: 04_Huda Abifarès.png