
Greenhouse Futures: an Ethnography of a Complex Socio-Ecological System (Seed Grant)

Rebeca Ibáñez Martín (Anthropology of Health, Care and the Body, CUS, UvA)

Attending to greenhouses’ economic expansion, this research will ethnographically study the socio-ecological effects of greenhouse horticultural production in order to characterize critical debates around the Anthropocene. In Europe, the hotspots for horticulture production are the Netherlands and Spain. Both draw on similar infrastructures (greenhouses), and deal with water, waste, crops, and labour as resources to be managed. Living organisms, like plants or resources like water, appearing in the past in the margins of ethnographies are now taken to the centre of our enquiries, providing a new focus on the complex milieu of infrastructures as a multispecies encounter. This project thinks further multispecies conviviality and the value of food within greenhouses ecologies. The Seed Grant supports the organization of a workshop with scholars from multiple disciplines, as well as preliminary fieldwork.


Image credits

Icon image: Greenhouse tropical lowlands.JPG