
Baseline Water Stress: China

The Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI), evaluates, maps, and scores water risks globally based on 12 indicators, including baseline water stress. Baseline water stress measures the ratio between total water withdrawal and available renewable surface freshwater supply, and is a good proxy for water risks more broadly. The atlas calculates baseline water stress based on country-level water withdrawal data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, spatially disaggregated by sector into Aqueduct’s catchment areas. Where available, however, more detailed data allow the development of a baseline water stress map for a country or region. In the case of China, freshwater withdrawal data at the prefecture level provide more accurate information, such as spatial patterns, that are otherwise lost in the aggregated country-level statistics.

Source: Wang, J., L. Zhong, and Y. Long. 2016. “Baseline Water Stress: China.” Technical Note. World Resources Institute, Beijing. Available online.

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Icon image: WUR - water stress

