What does responsible AI look like, that increases human capabilities and skills and benefits society? The Responsible AI Lab of the Center of Expertise Applied AI (AUAS) studies AI technology and enters into a dialogue about it. The lab makes Artificial Intelligence accessible to everyone: inclusive and diverse. Specifically, the public sector and the creative industry are central. The lab mainly focuses on the broader question of how we can design meaningful and useful AI applications.

Tuesday, June 8, we were live from Pakhuis de Zwijger with our livecast on applying Responsible AI in practice!

Watch this video externally on: YouTube

With Marleen Stikker van Waag as an inspiring keynote, Pascal Wiggers from the Responsible AI Lab with an interesting presentation about recruitment & selection, and our own Katrien de Witte and Kevin de Bruin to tell more about our Center of Expertise Applied AI.

Translated by the editors of openresearch.amsterdam.

Source: YouTube - Pakhuis De Zwijger 

The livecast referenced Coded Bias, a documentary about the biases that AI entails. Below is a brief summary and trailer of the documentary.

Modern society sits at the intersection of two crucial questions: What does it mean when artificial intelligence increasingly governs our liberties? And what are the consequences for the people AI is biased against? When MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini discovers that many facial recognition technologies do not accurately detect darker-skinned faces or classify the faces of women, she delves into an investigation of widespread bias in algorithms. As it turns out, artificial intelligence is not neutral, and women are leading the charge to ensure our civil rights are protected.

Watch this video externally on: Vimeo

Source: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences - Coded Bias

Image credits

Icon image: Pixabay - AI
