
European City Science Initiative (CSI EU)

Many key societal challenges in Europe are intrinsically urban. Science and Innovation can help to address these challenges. The City Science Initiative provides an opportunity for cities, city networks, experts and the services of the European Commission to reinforce their cooperation and strengthen the science and policy interface.

The City Science Initiative aims to strengthen the ways in which science and research can help address the urban challenges and to develop a structured approach to evidence-informed policy-making at cities' level. More specifically, this community aims at:

  • Bring together professionals from different EU cities working on the interface between city-policies and research (‘City Science Officers’, CSO’s)
  • Explore how research, science and technology can help cities to address the challenges at the local level.
  • Promote discussion on ways through which science could help in addressing challenges faced by cities.
  • Showcase the potential of the European Commission services and existing networks in supporting the efforts to strengthen the science and policy interface in cities.
  • Promote and facilitate a European Network of City Science Officers.
  • Explore the needs and priorities of cities in terms of evidence-based policy making.
  • Facilitate linkages with other related initiatives.

More information can be found on the JRC website

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  • Public

    2020 CSI: City Science for Urban Challenges

    Pilot assessment and future potential of the City Science Initiative

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  • Public

    Barcelona Science Plan 2020 - 2023

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  • Public

    Science policy projects Barcelona

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  • Collection (4)

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  • Collection (5)

    Science for the City Roundtable (21 and 22…

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  • Collection (6)

    Second meeting 11-12 juni 2019

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  • Collection (6)

    Third CSI meeting 24 September @ Brussels

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